10 logos about me

vineyardvines    This is the vine yard vines logo. Vine yard vines is as clothing brand. I really like the little whale on the logo.

starbucks-3-0_1x          this is the Starbucks logo. i like to go to Starbucks and get a double chocolate chip frappuccino. when most people think Starbucks they think coffee but i think frappuccino.

instagram_0       This is the instagram logo. it is one of the social media apps. i get on it a lot and i like to take pictures and post them.

Vine-800x800  this is another social media site people go on here and post funny videos.


w9sV0Im6  Magcon is a group of guys that make funny videos and have meet and greets around north america.

download   this is a shoe company that makes really cute designs and colors on their shoes that were originally meant for skateboarding. 

download (1)    this is another social media site, twitter. that you can post a picture or you can just type something funny.

Hollister_Co._Logo     this is a clothing store that i like to buy jeans at, and cute tops.

ac2610eeab7912b47aa0599f412c8090_400x400 this is a store that is in most malls. and it has really cute shirts and jewelry.

download (2)   i love apple iphones and ipads.

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